December 13, 2021
Story by: Tim FitzGerald
Living - yes! That is what all of us want to do. Perhaps jump into a car and explore other cities and sites at will. But for persons with developmental disabilities that is not their reality. So they need "access" to "live" right here in their "community"!
Patricia Morris and Don Lawson of CLA  showed us a video of their client Kevin. Kevin, explained, "... I have goals and dreams to accomplish and look forward to ... when I am writing for our magazine I feel the same as you ... ".
CLA is celebrating its 30th anniversary. In history, after 100 years, commencing in the late 1970's, Ontario started closing its institutions for developmentally disabled persons in favour of community living. Of note, our Rotarian, Reverend Stan Cox (deceased), was a local champion in advocating for the closure of the institution that served our area - (at that time its facility buildings were still in satisfactory condition and risked being slated to continue operations longer).
CLA's moto is  "Inspiring Possibilities". It is a local initiative formed 30 years ago amongst champions, families and volunteers. Patricia advised that her disabled uncle lived with them growing up. She along with Don now hold 90 years of experience between them serving our community. CLA provides 24/7 support to 60 clients (and their families) living throughout the community and 20 more under contract services. 90% of their funding comes from Ontario's Ministry of Community and Social Services. They fundraise and rely on donors to assist them with extra expenses not covered. If a clients pet requires the care of a veterinarian, CLA could cover that cost up front and have the client budget repayment later.
Patricia and Don guided us. They have consulted with their clients and learned that the clients wanted us to know "what my life is like and what I want you to know". Of note or caution, when assisting persons with developmental disabilities, they are aware, just as you would be, if people were having a sidebar conversation in the corner of the room or the hallway - possibly gesturing in your direction - as if you did not exist.
Going forward, CLA vision includes to Belong, Create, Informed Choices, Dignity, Accountability, Integrity, Working Together.