Past District Governors Banner

What Does A District Governor Do

A district governor possesses strong leadership skills and decision making ability. The clubs within the district rely on the  governor for leadership, support, and motivation as they carry out service projects and participate in Rotary programs. Here are some of the duties and responsibilities:
  • Strengthen clubs, organize new clubs, and grow membership
  • Encourage contributions and other support for The Rotary Foundation
  • Promote positive public image and serve as spokesperson for district
  • Develop a safe environment for youth participants
  • Conduct district conference and other meetings
  • Supervise district nominations and elections
  • Prepare budget, provide annual report, and help administer District Designated Funds
  • Complete online district qualification
  • Work with governor-elect and other district leaders


Harold M. Jackson


The first was the late Rotarian Harold M. Jackson, who passed away in late 1974 after a life of service to Rotary and to the community. Harold was a charter member of the Simcoe Rotary Club and at the time of his death he was the only surviving ‘active’ charter member of the club. He has given nearly half a century of service to Rotary, culminating in his election as District Governor in 1962-1963. He filled that office with distinction and with a fine record of service to Rotary. Harold had also had the honour of serving as President of the Rotary Club of Simcoe during its Silver Anniversary Year of 1949-50.

John B. Irving
Our second District Governor was Rotarian John B. Irving. John was elected District Governor for the year 1970-1971 and he gave a year of outstanding service to the district. He was a well-qualified particularly because of his interest and activity in the international aspect of Rotary. These included the Group Study Exchange program, the Rotary Mixed Bonspiels and the Rotary International Student Exchange program, in all of which John took a leading role with the Rotary Club of Simcoe.